Sadly it seems, after what seems no time at all, the soles and indeed
the heels of my fabulous, 'full DCI Gene Hunt' shoes had fallen by the
wayside. So, the Marvellous Lady T took them with great haste to the
cobblers, positioned just outside of Tescos, not to be mistaken of
course for the load of cobblers that's inside it's doors. So for the
princely sum of £25, (Which admittedly is what the shoes cost me in the
first place. Bargain! I know right!) I can now boast to have brand new
soles, and fully restored elevated heels.
Now I know this may seem like a small piece of joy in the grand scheme of things, but in my experience, even the tiny and seemingly unimportant parcels of joy, are warmly received when at a low ebb. I have a new spring in my stride, and that tiny glow of pride, that comes to us all when when we step out for the first time in a new pair of shoes. With the added benefit of still wearing the shoes that are already worn in and comfy.
So here's wishing you all to have some tiny parcel of joy come your way, a little victory that might usually get overlooked. Because if we all pay attention to the little sparks of joy that land in our laps, it makes the darkness of the world around us seem a little less overwhelming.
Now I know this may seem like a small piece of joy in the grand scheme of things, but in my experience, even the tiny and seemingly unimportant parcels of joy, are warmly received when at a low ebb. I have a new spring in my stride, and that tiny glow of pride, that comes to us all when when we step out for the first time in a new pair of shoes. With the added benefit of still wearing the shoes that are already worn in and comfy.
So here's wishing you all to have some tiny parcel of joy come your way, a little victory that might usually get overlooked. Because if we all pay attention to the little sparks of joy that land in our laps, it makes the darkness of the world around us seem a little less overwhelming.