Friday, 20 June 2014
Sea Lions on a Shirt
We're coming home
We're coming home
We're coming
Look who's coming home
We're coming home
We're coming home
We're coming
Look who's coming home
Everyone seems to know the score
It's 2-1 like before
Now we know, now we're sure
That England's gone and thrown it away
Gone and gave it away
Their skill's gone astray
So now I'm thinking
Sea Lions on a shirt
The emblem that I'm bidding
Fifty years of hurt
Who'd we think we're kidding
So many jokes, so many sneers
We still play like pigs ears
Don't be sad, hold your tears
Cos the truth is Rooney's a clown
The whole team let us down,
There's no need for a frown
So we might as well have
Sea Lions on a shirt
The emblem that I'm bidding
Fifty years of hurt
Who'd we think we're kidding
It's not if, it's just when
It'll happen again . . .
We're coming home
We're coming home
We're coming
Look who's coming home
We're coming home
We're coming home
We're coming
Look who's coming home
We're coming home
We're coming home
We're coming
Look who's coming home
We're coming home
We're coming home
We're coming
Look who's coming home
Thursday, 19 June 2014
The Circle of my Life
Eve has begun. A new day dawns. Yes, there may well be a touch of
chilly mist clinging in patches to the landscape, like a handful of
candy floss accidentally dropped at the fairground. There may even be
the prediction of a little rain this afternoon, but hope still reigns
too. I'm still keeping hold of the confident, carefree attitude, that
despite it all, comes from wearing long shorts and a Tony Stark T-Shirt.
It was Noel Harrison, who in 1968 sang the lyrics: "Round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel. Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel", and in the early part of the 2000s Timo Maas hit us with the lyrics: What goes around, Just comes around, This is the sound, It's time to get down. Wise words indeed, and words that certainly seem to 'ring' true with me.
I've have a lot of things in my life that weirdly seem to run in full circles. (Not including the moments when I say "I'm running around like a headless chicken", that's a different kind of circle) Big events in my life seem to have a strange inevitability. They start in one place and end up back from where they started, all tie up nicely and neatly in one big circle.
For instance: The house that I now live in, Tidy Towers, was originally owned by the parents of one of my best friends as I was growing up. Who lived at the bottom of the Close that my parents house was opposite. Then there's the Mrs, The Amazing Lady T. When I first started dating her, I was surprised to discover that she was living in exactly the same house as my first ever girlfriend did when I was a wee nipper! Morning Sue by the way! And now it seems the same set of serendipitous circumstances have come into effect on my career path.
Yes my friends, it is with a thankful heart that I can spread the news that I have found myself a new place to hang my work hat. (Although, sadly I don't actually own a work hat. Maybe I should get one!?) Months ago when I discovered that I was sadly being made redundant, I really wasn't sure what life was going to throw at me. So I made up a c.v and scatter-gunned it to all the places I could think of that might want designer with a warped mind. Then the very first interview I got was with a company, literally a stones throw from my house. They seemed to like me and they seemed like a very nice bunch of people, but there were elements to the job that really weren't me. So I carried on looking and hoping to find that perfect little work nook to nestle in.
Then at the beginning of this week, they made contact with me again. They had changed the role and the salary and made it quite clear that they would like me to jump on board. So I have! Another full circle to add to my "Circle of Life". Not only that, but the very nice man who runs the show also happened to live opposite me when we both were just nippers too!
So as from July 1st a new chapter in The Book of Tidy begins. All a bit scary of course, and I'll probably have months of feeling like the new kid at school, but actually still quite exciting at the same time! HUZZAH!
It was Noel Harrison, who in 1968 sang the lyrics: "Round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel. Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel", and in the early part of the 2000s Timo Maas hit us with the lyrics: What goes around, Just comes around, This is the sound, It's time to get down. Wise words indeed, and words that certainly seem to 'ring' true with me.
I've have a lot of things in my life that weirdly seem to run in full circles. (Not including the moments when I say "I'm running around like a headless chicken", that's a different kind of circle) Big events in my life seem to have a strange inevitability. They start in one place and end up back from where they started, all tie up nicely and neatly in one big circle.
For instance: The house that I now live in, Tidy Towers, was originally owned by the parents of one of my best friends as I was growing up. Who lived at the bottom of the Close that my parents house was opposite. Then there's the Mrs, The Amazing Lady T. When I first started dating her, I was surprised to discover that she was living in exactly the same house as my first ever girlfriend did when I was a wee nipper! Morning Sue by the way! And now it seems the same set of serendipitous circumstances have come into effect on my career path.
Yes my friends, it is with a thankful heart that I can spread the news that I have found myself a new place to hang my work hat. (Although, sadly I don't actually own a work hat. Maybe I should get one!?) Months ago when I discovered that I was sadly being made redundant, I really wasn't sure what life was going to throw at me. So I made up a c.v and scatter-gunned it to all the places I could think of that might want designer with a warped mind. Then the very first interview I got was with a company, literally a stones throw from my house. They seemed to like me and they seemed like a very nice bunch of people, but there were elements to the job that really weren't me. So I carried on looking and hoping to find that perfect little work nook to nestle in.
Then at the beginning of this week, they made contact with me again. They had changed the role and the salary and made it quite clear that they would like me to jump on board. So I have! Another full circle to add to my "Circle of Life". Not only that, but the very nice man who runs the show also happened to live opposite me when we both were just nippers too!
So as from July 1st a new chapter in The Book of Tidy begins. All a bit scary of course, and I'll probably have months of feeling like the new kid at school, but actually still quite exciting at the same time! HUZZAH!
Thursday, 5 June 2014
day and good morning to you all, on what looks like is going to be a
breathtakingly marvellous morn. In fact from what I understand the whole
of Friday Eve is going to be pretty peachy!
Well thankfully, I don't seem to be blowing any more bulbs so far this morning, which is lovely. I must say that was more than a little disconcerting yesterday, it really freaked me out to be honest with you. I mean if I was going to suddenly going to be blessed with a weird supernatural power I can think of plenty that I would rather have! I don't think the ability to blow light bulbs is going to ever save anyone from a burning building.
Obviously being a bloke, invisibility does come very high on the wish list. (oh come on chaps we all know why!) But then, telekinesis would be in the top draw of cool, wouldn't it! I'm sure a lot of people would saying flying would be good, but to be honest, I think it would just make me panic, and I probably wouldn't be very good at. So I'd just end up flying in the style of a daddy-long-legs, while shouting "Wooah woooahhh!" a lot. Then I probably wouldn't be very good at landing either, and just end up hurting myself. So I'd probably give that one a miss as well if given the choice.
Actually thinking about it, I don't think I want any special powers. They all seem to have some kind of drawbacks to them. Flying: the fear of not being able to land properly and have any real control. Invisibility: The risk that you could stay invisible! I mean have you ever tried to fall asleep with your eyes open? If your eyelids were invisible, you wouldn't be able to sleep! Super Strength: Not knowing your own strength, and accidentally crushing something or someone! Telekinesis: You could accidentally move something you didn't mean to in a stressful situation and end up making things worse! Mind reading: This one is obvious! I mean who wants to REALLY know what those around us actually think of us. Yes Mindreading could make for a very lonely life indeed.
So I guess what I'm saying is, we're probably all the super we should be, just as we are.
Right, well I must get on, lot's to do and too little time to do them in.
This looks like a job for . . .
Well thankfully, I don't seem to be blowing any more bulbs so far this morning, which is lovely. I must say that was more than a little disconcerting yesterday, it really freaked me out to be honest with you. I mean if I was going to suddenly going to be blessed with a weird supernatural power I can think of plenty that I would rather have! I don't think the ability to blow light bulbs is going to ever save anyone from a burning building.
Obviously being a bloke, invisibility does come very high on the wish list. (oh come on chaps we all know why!) But then, telekinesis would be in the top draw of cool, wouldn't it! I'm sure a lot of people would saying flying would be good, but to be honest, I think it would just make me panic, and I probably wouldn't be very good at. So I'd just end up flying in the style of a daddy-long-legs, while shouting "Wooah woooahhh!" a lot. Then I probably wouldn't be very good at landing either, and just end up hurting myself. So I'd probably give that one a miss as well if given the choice.
Actually thinking about it, I don't think I want any special powers. They all seem to have some kind of drawbacks to them. Flying: the fear of not being able to land properly and have any real control. Invisibility: The risk that you could stay invisible! I mean have you ever tried to fall asleep with your eyes open? If your eyelids were invisible, you wouldn't be able to sleep! Super Strength: Not knowing your own strength, and accidentally crushing something or someone! Telekinesis: You could accidentally move something you didn't mean to in a stressful situation and end up making things worse! Mind reading: This one is obvious! I mean who wants to REALLY know what those around us actually think of us. Yes Mindreading could make for a very lonely life indeed.
So I guess what I'm saying is, we're probably all the super we should be, just as we are.
Right, well I must get on, lot's to do and too little time to do them in.
This looks like a job for . . .
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Weird Wednesday
(*points* "And cue the X-Files music.")
m o r n i n g a l l . c o m e h e r e. Shhh! I'm whispering because paranormality has seen fit to strike me once again, and I'm just worried that if I speak to loudly, it might try and beat me harder with it's three-headed mackerel of weirdness. I know from past experiences that strange things seem to happen around me, and to be honest, I've become rather blasé about them all these days. However when they do happen, they are worth noting.
All was well as I got up and had a little breakfast this morning, even if one of the cats did everything it could to try and stop me from going to work as I tried to leave. Firstly it came flying out the cat flap as I closed the front door and hurled itself in front of my feet, as if it was purposely trying to trip me up. So I lent over and gave it a small scritch behind the ears and told it to get out the way cos I had to go to work. So I went to the car and unlocked it, only to turn to see the aforementioned feline standing on the bonnet and meowing loudly. So I shooed her off and told her again to get out the way cos I had to go to work, which thankfully she did. So I got in the car and started it up and leant over to pull my seat belt across, only to look back and find the cat back on the bonnet with it's nose pushed against the windscreen and meowing loudly once again!
This in itself is a little weird, because normally the cats run for the hills if we start the car up and they are anywhere near it! Not to mention the fact that it was also raining, and normally the type of weather that they decide to stay indoors for. So as you can imagine it was a little daunting to see it's furry face peering through the windscreen at me meowing while the engine was running! So I undid the seat belt, got back out of the car, picked her up and hurled her unceremoniously off the car towards the cat flap, and told her, in perhaps the not politest of ways, to maybe go back indoors.
Anyway, the journey into work was fine, thankfully no weirdness there. It was only when I opened the door to the office that it really started.
I got in and turned round to switch off the alarm, and as I was doing so, there was an audible *plink!* and the small pair of daylight strip lights, above my head blinked out. I didn't think much of it, other than, oh, that set of light's have gone, that's annoying! Now in the office section of work we have six sets of these strip lights, so there was still plently of light to go around. So I went and sat at my chair and started opening my emails, as I normally do, then . . . *plink!* the set of two strip light's directly above my desk went out. I looked up and thought, okay, that's a bit weird and carried on regardless. So then I went out the office and through the workshop to the kitchen at the side of the building to grab a cup of coffee. I put on the kettle, got my cup out the cupboard, and spooned in the coffee. As I was doing this however . . . *plink!* A set of two, large, daylight strip lights directly above my head blinked out of existence!
I'm not sure what it all means, however I have to trying to not stand under any other strip lights for any length of time, just in case I take out all the lights! Although I may go and try one more, just in the name of science you understand. Bear with me a minute . . . It happened!! *Plink!* I went and chose a not so important set at the far end of the workshop and purposely watched them! And they still went *plink!* Ahhh! This is a little creepy now!
Let's hope the rest of my day goes off without too much weird! The truth is out there folks!

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