Friday, 21 March 2014

The Friday Fanfare

Well rub me softly with an exfoliating glove and call me Brenda. If it hasn't gone and turned into another breast baringly brilliant Friday. Yes indeed, my host of golden gorgeousnesses (Yes I am even including you in that statement! You are gorgeous too you know!) it has indeed arrived, the Blessed Friday. Like a billowing deep purple sheet, made of the finest silk and then let to rest, it has been laid upon us.

Plus it looks, for me at least, that it's literally going to fly by like a supersonic jet. You see, although I did manage to shift that landslide of job bags which were adorning my desk, they have seemingly found a way to breed. This morning there is an equally large pile sitting there, and they all have the word 'URGENT' scribbled on them at the top with red biro, (just so I know, just how urgent they all are I suppose) and the funny thing is, apparently they all have to be ready to leave the building by the end of play tonight! Oh how I laughed when I discovered the cheeky little imps this morning loitering on my desk. Those little scamps, mocking me with their naughty deadlines.

So I guess I best stop all this tomfoolery (Isn't that just a magnificent word) and get on with trying to shift these stubborn little tinkers. Still, fear not my friends, for I shall not let the dastardly deadlines get me down. I shall approach today with the quiet confidence that comes with the knowledge of knowing, that frankly I'm awesome, and will no doubt be on top of the little blighters by the end of the day.

But it's not just me you know! I'm pretty sure in all our particular fields we are all pretty darn awesome. Yes even you! So don't let the fear of failure get you down today, because it ain't gonna happen. Today is Friday. Today we are untouchable. Today we are unbeatable. Today is our day and we shall reign victorious!

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