Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The 'Ohbuggerit' cards

The last Wedenesday before Christmas, and the last Wednesday I'm gonna have to work for 2013 you say?! Well roast my chestnuts by an open fire, and you're welcome to all of my toes Mr Jack Frost! WAHEY!!

We are indeed getting very close to sacred day of festivities, and this is also normally the point before Christmas when you may start to receive the annual 'Ohbuggerit' Christmas card. You know the one, the one you get from those people who are probably quite lovely, but don't necessarily fall into your Christmas radar when you make your list of Christmas Cards to send out.

The card will plop onto your doormat, (which is incidentally the only time when it's nice for something to plop on your doormat) you'll excitedly open it, and then, with a slight feeling of dread, you'll read who it is from. Which is how the 'Ohbuggerit' card get's it's name.

Then right there a thought will cross your mind, 'Can I be arsed?' You've sent all your Christmas Cards out and delivered them all now. In your mind, you have neatly crossed off that section of pre-Christmas duties, and now it feels you have to go back and do another one especially! Now you might just think it's nice, and just put it up with the rest of your cards, and not plan to do anything about it. But beware, it will niggle at your conscious and you will probably end up in a panic and try to send one.

Now, you might be lucky. You might of bought more than you need of Christmas Cards. Of course there is always the chance you may of done the other option, which is where you get your pack of cards and take note of how many are in the box and work out who is going to receive one. In which case you won't have any spare one to send. This will also send you into mild panic, so then you have to raid 'The emergency cards'.

Emergency cards are normally kept in an old card box or maybe just in a plastic bag, and probably left with the decorations. They contain an assortment of all the left over cards from previous years. Cards that were part of a multi-pack maybe and just not that funny, or just a little bit lame, but you kept them for just such an occasion.

Of course finding them is only half the battle, once you've decided which of the emergency cards you will send, you then have to try and find the envelope that they belong to. This normally never happens. The emergency card is almost always sent out in an envelope that is at least a good two centimeters too big at one end or other. This is just another rule of sod. It is very rare indeed that any of the emergency cards actually leave your house in the envelope that was designed for them.

Still, no matter how you send or what envelope it's in, getting a Christmas card from anyone brings a little drop of joy and a Christmassy smile to your face. So if you do find yourselves receiving an 'Ohbuggerit' Christmas card this year, do your best to send a little drop of Christmas back.

Well jingle my bells, look at the time! See you tomorrow! x

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