Monday, 2 December 2013

'The Tuesday' cometh

Good morning to you all my scrumptious purveyors of pleasure, and indeed my sublime strumpets of magnanimity. Sadly I'm afraid 'The Tuesday' has once again doffed it's dusty stovepipe hat towards us, curled it's waxed moustache, then managed to achieve a sinister sneer and an oily smile at the same time. Oh yes, it has arrived, and a little earlier than normal as well. Still I can report it's six-thirty and all's well so far. Plus it is suspiciously mild out there again this morning, you probably won't even need a coat this morning! Trust me! You know the CTTV weather has never let you down before.

I say suspiciously mild cos we all know that come the weekend it's going to be ball shrinkingly cold out there and will probably include what the news people like to call 'An Icy Blast.' It's not an 'Icy Blast' or a 'Siberian Snap' it's called winter. We have it every year! So why does it still come as a shock to all those newsreaders and newspaper editors? Every year, when the temperatures suddenly drop, which they will, they all seem to treat it like it's a really rare occurrence that has never happened before in living memory. Quick, quick, they think, let's hit the panic button and get everyone dreading the next snowflake. Let's stir up the crazy people into a frenzy and convince them it's an approaching Ice Age!

STOP IT! . . . Just . . . stop it. What you are doing is scaremongering and not reporting the news. Let the weather man or weather woman report the weather and you report the news. The weather is NOT the news. Unless there's a tidal wave, hurricane or twister heading to Britain, shush! It's winter, it does get cold, it may well snow a bit at some point. It does seem to happen every year recently, unlike when were little. Then snow hardly ever turned up. A very rare happening, and even when it did there was little more than a couple of inches which only lasted a day or two.

Still, as I said today is suspiciously mild so let's make the most of it even if it is a 'The Tuesday'. Such a lot to do today, Christmas is coming and that does send clients into a panic about getting things done beforehand. Do look after yourselves. Especially you! Yes you! I know what you're like.

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