Thursday, 6 February 2014

Friday come home!

Huzzah good people! Huzzah all you naughty people too! (You know who you are!) For the Blessed Friday has arrived. It may of arrived like a previously lost large, damp, shaggy and slightly whiffy dog, that has been missing for days and has finally found it's way back home. It's bounded through the door, clearly very excited to see us, while wagging it's tail and bottom furiously. Before proceeding to try and wipe itself dry around all the furniture, then jumping up onto the sofa to wipe itself on there too, and leaping down into the middle of the room to give itself a good shake, spraying everyone in the near vicinity with wet dog water. We really should be shouting at it and telling it off, but our anger is halfhearted as frankly we're overcome and overjoyed at it's arrival back with us to.

Yes indeed, let's welcome the Blessed Friday back into the fold. This week has certainly has it's challenges, the weather has continued on being incessantly foul, or incessantly fowl, if you happen to be a duck. And there's yet another promise of more disgusting meteorological monstrousness on the way in the form of a storm called Charlie! Yet despite it all we can still hold on to that Friday feeling all day, knowing that the weekend is now but hours away.

So do try and stay safe and warm over the weekend. Let's not forget that with disgusting weather comes the opportunity to wrap up, snuggle and be cosy. Who doesn't like a good snuggle!

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