Monday, 3 February 2014

'The Tuesday' has started

Hello, good day, good morning, bonjour, goeie môre, and indeed dzień dobry to you all. Glad to see that it looks like we've managed to shake off that nasty little Monday. It wasn't very pleasant, but as is the case for most Monday's, thankfully rather short lived. So 'The Tuesday' awaits us, with it's promise of being the longest and most sufferable day of the week.

I must admit, my 'The Tuesday' hasn't started on the best note. And apologies to all those having their breakfast, particularly those who are currently enjoying a nice bowl of Weetabix, and have just got to that nice mushed up part of devourment, as that is what I'm about to tell you about looks like. (READER WARNING: If you are enjoying said breakfast at the moment, you might want to skip this and the next paragraph.) I arrived downstairs this morning to discover one of the cats had been extremely ill, all up the hallway. Cat's when they are ill are very much the same as dogs it seems. In as much as they don't firstly feel the need to go outside to be ill, and secondly don't seem to want to do it in one place. For some reason, best only known to animals they prefer to be ill, walk a few steps forward and then be ill some more, and then repeat this process until they have finished. I'm really not sure what they are trying to achieve by doing this other than to show in length of trail just how ill they've been.

So after laying down a trail of kitchen towels to indicate the contaminated areas and reporting it to the Fine Lady T (I can't deal with the stuff I'm afraid, I would only add to the mess myself if I tried) I made my way towards the front door leaping from one un-tissued spot to the next like Indiana Jones in The Last Crusade when he was trying to spell out the name of God. It was then that confusion set in, as I noticed in amongst the piles of tissues was a small bag of lettuce! I can only assume that the cat had somehow found a small bag of lettuce and decided it looked good enough to eat, even if their stomach didn't agree with them! (Surely animals, or any living thing for that matter, don't actually hanker after lettuce do they? Don't get me wrong, I do like a bit of iceberg with my salad, but I wouldn't say it's a food stuff which I actively get excited about.

Still, the mystery of the small bag of lettuce aside I'm sure you'll agree not the best start to a 'The Tuesday'. I do hope you have a better start to yours.

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