Friday, 28 February 2014

The Return of The Blessed Friday

Well buff my trumpet with a Tufted Titmouse and call me Jemima, if it hasn't gone an metamorphosized into another Blessed Friday once again. This week really has flown by like Swifty McSwift the swiftest Swift in the International Swiftest Swift competition. This whole week has literally been a blur of business busyness and demanding deadline deeds. So the arrival at the wagging wafty tail end of the week comes with even more of a sense of serene satisfaction than normal.

So toss back the duvet, spring out of bed and fling open your bedroom curtains in the altogether. (strange place to keep your curtains!) Then open the window and shake all your pronounced wobbly bits to world, while shouting at the top of voice "MORNING WORLD! HAPPY FRIDAY TO YOU!".

Now I can't speak for you, (bet you're glad about that!) but this week, despite the crazy work shenanigans has really been rather nice, aside from once again acquiring weird overnight injuries on Wednesday night, and the whole frog herding exercise in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Yes, despite even those things, there has been an air of contentment and calm over the past week, that has been really rather enjoyable. Let's just hope it spills over into next week as well I say.

So take a long deep cleansing breath in everyone, puff your chest out as far as you can get it, then have yourself a well earned very loud stretch and an over exuberant yawn. For today is Friday, a day of frolics and feisty fun, a day to slap a smile on your face and just leave it there for all to enjoy. A day of unanticipated jollification and joviality. So whatever you do with yours today, make it count, and make it a good one.

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